Saturday, July 17, 2010

More Great News!

I was notified yesterday by AFAA that they have also approved both of my workshops for AFAA CEUs. Step Junkie's Secrets for Teaching Step will provide 6.5 AFAA CEUs, and Step Junkie's Time-Saving Secrets will provide 3.25 AFAA CEUs. I'm very excited and happy to have this segment of my business completed, and am looking forward to providing workshops and meeting some new friends!

My first workshop is already in the works! More info on that in a week or so when things are completely finalized. For those who have written to me, I will be getting back to you in the very near future! ... and Thank You!!


1 comment:

roessling said...

Hi Dana don't forget the Houston area! I would love to attend the workshops. Britta