Saturday, May 3, 2008

SJ's Advanced Step, May 2, 2008

It's been a while since I posted anything, so I've been busy taping various classes. I hope you can use some of this stuff my brain dreams up!

Leslie and I had a great time in Houston!! We took many of the same sessions, and the ones we didn't were great opportunities for sharing knowledge between us. While we were there, we attended Josh's class (megaman80 on YouTube) which was a total BLAST!! He's a genuinely nice person, and his class was a lot of fun, and really quite challenging for me, which I loved! The people in Houston are very nice -- very friendly!

So, here's my latest advanced class, which has some Manuel Velazquez flair, as well as a bit of Joan Altisen... and the rest is all me. Let me know if you'd like breakdowns and I'll see what I can do.


Mambo off the end (4)

Shuffle Straddle (4)

Rock back, Spin (4)

Up & Lunge 2, exit into Tango (13)

Reverse Turn (4)

1 Stomp (3)

Chasse Spin over (4)

Reverse up, 2 hams on top (4)

Stomp floor, reverse Straddle & Drag (8)

Knee switch 3 (6)

Box at home (4)

Knee walk back/switch (6)

Kick-ball-change straddle (4)

Repeater (knee, switch, rock back, switch, exit) (8)

Basic Over (4)

Abduct/Rebound (7)

½ Curb Walk (5)

Cut the Corner (4)


BB said...

Great Combination! Would love to see the break down! Thanks so much.

StepJunkie said...

Hi BB... I started the videos of the breakdown yesterday. Stay posted....