Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Easy Intermediate Step

This is an easy intermediate routine. Enjoy!


L-Step (8)
Diagonal Pivot (8)
Abduct Repeater (or Pendulum) (8)
Rocking Horse (8)
V-Step, x2 (8)
Curb Walk (8)
Walk or Shuffle around the step (8)
Kick, x2 (8)

Lunge, x6 and straddle at the end (16)
Double Squat, x2 (8)
Repeater Knee (8)
Glute Flye Over (4)
Pivot (4)
Glute Flye Over (4)
Pivot (4)
Hamstrings around the world (16)

3 Hamstrings on Top (8)
Repeater 2 and walk to the front (8)
Shuffleturn, x2 (8)
Basic Over into Mambo Cha-cha (8)
Hangover (4)
Across, x2 (8)
Knee exit (4)
V-Slide, Mambo cha-cha (8)
Glute, x2 (8)

1 comment:

MS said...

Thank you so much to you and Lethal Leslie, too, for all your fabulous choreography and videos. It's sooo helpful to me, because I teach in a small town where I rarely get to a bigger city to take class with another instructor. You guys rock!

This easy intermediate combo is definitely about the level my classes can handle! Thanks!