Monday, June 9, 2008

SJ's Intermediate Step, May 27, 2008

I'm a bit late in posting this routine on my blog... I guess in the flurry of new videos, it got lost in the shuffle somehow. Too bad, because this is a fun routine! I hope you enjoy it as much as my classes did!


Tick-Tock & Drag, x2 (16)
Pivot & chasse (4)
2 lunges (8)
Cut the corner (4)
7-knee Repeater (16)
Abduct (4)
V-Step (4)
Split Basic (8)

Charleston kick (8)
Revolving Door (8)
1 Knee, 1 Elvis (4)
Shuffle up, Cross on Top, exit (6)
Double Knee (6)
1 Knee (or shuffle down board) into 3 sets of Double Squats (14)
Rock back on the floor (2)
Rock on Top, down & Box chasse (8)
Repeater knee (8)

Hangover (4)
Stall across, step down, stomp & exit (8)
1 Kick (4)
3 Hamstrings on top (8)
L-Step (8)

Have Fun!!!

1 comment:

Sabine said...

Great new layout! Love your avatar.
