Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Advanced Step, 3/6/2007

Step Junkie's Advanced Step, 3/6/2007

Here's the choreography from the March 6, 2007 Advanced Step video. My thanks to Megaman80 for the first 12 counts, and thanks to Lethal Leslie for a bunch of the other moves (Quick 6, Stomp-knee exit, L-step variation at the end....)

Combos 1 and 3 are 32 counts. Combo 2 is 64 counts. All self reverse and are tapless.

Combo 1:
1 Hamstring, step on top, step down in front (4)
Basic (reverse turn) (4)
Knee Straddle (4)
Shuffle, Rock on Top, exit (6)
2 Knees on top (4)
3 Taps around the corner, knee exit (6)
V-step (Optional "tap dance") (4)

Combo 2:
V-switch, rock back on floor (6)
1 Knee, Switch-switch repeater, exit (10)
Elvis (6)
1 Knee Jazz Square (6)
1 Ham hopturn (4)
Shuffleturn (4)
Basic over (4)
Rock on top straddle (5)
Chassee turn, x2 (6)
Double Stomp (5)
Rocking Horse (8)

Combo 3:
Stomp off the end, knee exit (6)
Quick 6 (6)
Double stomp & spin over, 1 stomp on the front (8)
Cut the corner (4)
L-Step (8)

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